5 Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

July 20, 2022
  1. What are your thoughts on homework? Is it worthwhile?

I feel homework is beneficial as it serves as a revision for the children on what was covered in class, and it also creates a home-school connection. The parents have an idea of what the children are covering in class. Of course, I feel homework should be differentiated as best as the teacher can facilitate to ensure the child is working to the best of his/ her ability.

2. How would you deal with an angry parent at your door?

I would remain calm and collected and explain that I can’t engage in conversation at this time. I would politely ask them to make an appointment with the secretary to speak to me after school the next day. This will give the parent a chance to calm down and cool off and give me a chance to organise myself.

3. What do you believe, is the role of the teacher?

(a) Leadership and Responsibility: Responsible for the children in their care and in charge of their classroom.

(b) To motivate and encourage the children in their class to learn and progress.

(c) They have a role to help the children in their class and give the children the skills to look for help and advice if needed.

(d) Assess the children through Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning.

(e) The teacher must be organised and prepared. The success of the lesson depends on the organisation skills of the teacher, how well they’ve planned the lesson in terms of resources, learning needs and objectives and that the children understand what is expected of them and what they are learning through WALT and WILF.

(f) Teaching and Learning.

4. What challenges do teachers face today?

Teachers face many challenges today. The primary school curriculum is changing especially with the introduction of the new PLC curriculum and a new maths one to come. Teacher’s are having to adjust to this new way of planning and how to connect it to their teaching. There is a lack of help from the Department of Education and long waiting lists for referrals and for assessments. Social media is a major challenge teacher’s must contend with today. Children may be participating in socialising on these types of network and bringing any negativity or toxicity that went on into the classroom. As today’s classrooms become more multicultural, teachers face a challenge of ensuring each child feels equal and respected and educating their students about the importance of this.

5. What are the benefits of teaching a multi-grade class?

You definitely have to be organised when teaching a multi-grade class. Subjects such as OSIE, art and music can be taught with all classes, whereas English, Irish and Maths need separate planning. There can be many benefits to multi-grade teaching such an younger classes unknowingly picking up maths concepts and new vocabulary from hearing the older class learning it, and the revision of topics already covered for older classes. Independence is also fostered as the class must work on their own whilst the teacher is occupied with the other class.

Religion Questions for a Catholic School?

  1. What is the difference between religion and faith?
  2. What makes you want to work in a Catholic school?
  3. What is the difference between ethos and a Catholic ethos?
  4. How would you help the children understand the concept of God?
  5. What would you personally contribute to the Catholic ethos of the school?
  6. What does Holy Communion mean to you?
  7. What is your thoughts on the Grow in Love programme?
  8. Can you give an example of a religion lesson?
  9. How would you create a sacred space in the classroom?
  10. How would you support faith formation throughout the day?
  11. If you were given the opportunity to design a new religion curriculum, what would it look like>
  12. How would you promote the Catholic ethos but remain respectful of other religions?
  13. How would you promote the Catholic ethos in the staff room?
  14. Choose one part of our ethos and tell me how you will show it being used in your class?

Interview Book

My interview book that I am using for my own interview prep with 100 questions and sample answers for primary school teachers, is available to purchase from my store here.


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