This is my 5th year using the NLC. It does take a while to get your head around at the beginning, but once you get going it honestly does get easier to use.
- Strand, Elements, Learning Outcomes, Progression Steps
Basically the curriculum is divided into 4 different areas;
- Strand: Here you have your normal strands, but instead of 4 as was in the old curriculum, there are now 3- Oral Language, Reading and Writing. These strands are common for both English and Irish.
- Elements: Under each strand you have Elements, which are divided into Understanding, Communication and Exploring and Using the Language.
- Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes are used to describe the expected learning and development for learners at the end of a period of time. Under each Element is a Learning Outcome. They tell you what you what the child to achieve under each stage (Stage 1: Infants, Stage 2- 1st and 2nd Class, Stage 3- 3rd and 4th class, Stage 4-5th and 6th class.
- Progression Steps: Finally, the progression steps give you a detailed breakdown of what you are wanting to focus in on with your group of children this month. When the NLC was first introduced, we were required to include the progression steps in our planning. Now they are not a requirement and can be used as a tool to help instruct you with your planning. Personally, I like to include them, so I know what level my students are at and where I want to take them.

- Template
Make sure to get your template together first. Your school may have one that they already use, you may have found one online you like, or you may want to make your own (if your school is ok with each of you using different planning templates). This will make your life easier. The template I use is one I’ve had since I began planning for the NLC and which includes boxes for the progression steps.
- Choose your Element
For example, let’s say you are teaching the theme of ‘past times’ to infants this fortnight and you are beginning to plan for the oral language. Of course, you select Oral Language as your strand, and now you must choose your element which I chose as ‘Exploring and Using’. After looking at the learning outcomes under exploring and using, I decide on ‘Requests, Questions and Interactions’. I can then look at my progression steps to advise me on where my class are at the minute.
I hope this was beneficial and answered some of the questions you have regarding the New Language Curriculum. The full curriculum can be found online here.
I have a full set of yearly NLC plans for Junior and Senior Infants available to purchase in my store. I also have Term 2 and Term 3 long term plans and fortnightly bundles for Senior Infants, and also Term 2 and 3 Long Term Plans Bundle for Junior Infants. All of these can be purchased by clicking the images below.