Substitute Teacher Survival Pack

August 18, 2022 No Comments


Are you subbing this academic year? Get yourself sorted with this 131 page no-prep bundle of printable worksheets with all classes covered from Junior Infants-6th class. I have created these worksheets with the Irish Primary Curriculum in mind and of course many worksheets can be used across classes. See below for a description of what’s in each class level.


Are you subbing this academic year? Get yourself sorted with this 131 page no-prep bundle of printable worksheets with all classes covered from Junior Infants-6th class. I have created these worksheets with the Irish Primary Curriculum in mind and of course many worksheets can be used across classes.

Included in the pack is;

Junior Infants- 21 pages
-Colouring big and small items.
-Pattern Creation
-Sorting 2D shapes
-Colour by Number
-How many in each set 1-5.
-Addition to 5
-Fine motor skills line tracing
-Lower case letter tracing.
-Circle the correct sound
-Write the beginning sound
-Picture Drawing
-Draw a picture of everyone in your class
-Beginning, middle, end story seqeuncing.
-Colouring hot and cold items.

Senior Infants= 20 pages
-3D Shape sort
-How many in each set 1-10
-Addition to 10
-Story of 5
-Story of 6
-What time is it? (o’clock)
-Draw hands on the clock.
-Letter Tracing Upper Case
-My News templates
-Irish number names tracing
-Éadaí éist agus tarraing
-Hot and cold items writing.
-Goldilock story sequencing
-Colour by number

1st Class- 20 pages
-How many tens and units are there.
-Skip counting in 5’s
-Fill in the missing numbers to 100.
-Addition worksheet
-Subtraction worksheet
-Draw hands on the clock (half past)
-What time is it?
-Mo Nuacht
-Éist agus tarraing Bia
-Write a story using these pictues.
Write the 4 letter words.
-Sort adjective, noun, verb.
-Sight word unscramble.
-Rhyming words
-Colour by number
-Mindfulness colouring page.
-How to make a cup of tea.
-My self portrait
-My life timeline.
-A map to my school

2nd Class- 11 pages
-Draw hands on the clock (quarter to, quarter past).
-What time is it?
-Comic template
-Crazy cooking
-Design a new school building.
-Creating your own menu.
-Addition worksheet
-Find words in the story beginning with a-z.
-Insect list.
-Caitheamh Aimsire Éist agus Tarraing.
-Caitheamh Aimsire críochnaigh na habairtí.

3rd Class- 10 pages
-Write the time (digital clock).
-Book review.
-Design your own book cover.
-Create your own Superhero.
-My Favourite Holiday.
-Acrostic poem writing.
-Suddenly the room went dark…
-Crúthaigh do bhiachlár féin.
-Biachlár samplach.

4th Class – 10 pages
-If I ran the school…
-What makes a good friend?
-Mo Chara is Fearr.
-A letter to my future self.
-Acrostic poem writing.
-Design a new football jersey.
-9 Pictures that tell you about me.
-Narrative writing.
-Character profile.
-Newspaper report writing.

5th Class= 8 pages
-Someone I admire is…
-Debate- Schools should have a healthy eating policy.
-If I won the Lotto.
-Mo Chaitheamh Aimsire is Fearr.
-Real picture story prompt.
-6 ways I keep my mind healthy.

6th Class – 8 pages
-Debate: Students should not have phones at school.
-Real picture story prompt
-Mo Chlann.
-Silly Advertisements.
-Quiz Creator.
-The toughest decision I’ve ever made.

Useful Extras – 8 pages
-While you were away (for the class teacher).
-Helpful websites
-10 Junior Class Subbing ideas
-11 Senior Class subbing ideas.
-Classroom management ideas
-Subbing tracker template
-School information worksheet
-My daily plan

Certificates (in A4 size and smaller sizes)
-Star of the day
-Student of the day
-Table of the day
-Gaeilgeoir an Lae
-Homework pass
-Fantastic work


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